Mala red string

Tax included

"The universe has a way of course correcting"

Length 50cm - How to wear it? Enlarge it and put it on from your head!

Elastic "Mala" choker without clasp: rosewood grains - ball and disk-tag with micro-engraving in 18kt solid gold.

In classical Malas there are 108 grains: the number 108 symbolizes, in its three digits, the basic characteristics of the universe: unity, emptiness and infinity.

For the Tibetan people, on the other hand, 108 is due to the fact that they usually recite a mantra 100 times. The other 8 are in reserve: if they had made some mistake on the way ...

Size rosewood Balls: 6mm diameter

18kt gold ball size: 5mm

Disk-tag size in 18kt gold: 6mm diameter

We can  handmade engrave (free of charge) one side of the disk-tag with an initial, a date or a short name: you can request it in the order notes at the time of check-out.

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